Kamis, 31 Juli 2008

Republic of South Moluccas (RMS)

The South Moluccas (Republik Maluku Selatan, RMS) attempted to secede with the declaration of a single republic of Indonesia in 1950 to replace the federal state,. This movement was led by Chris Soumokil (former Supreme Prosecutor of the Eastern Indonesia state) and supported by the Moluccan members of the Netherlands special troops. This movement was defeated by the Indonesian army after 17 years of bloody struggle and by special agreement with the Netherlands the troops were transferred to the Netherlands. During the visit to Ambon of the Indonesian president in the summer of 2007, RMS sympathisers disturbed ceremonies by performing the Mollucan war dance and hoisting the RMS flag. But don’t worry, this movement has no power anymore, so you can enjoy this island in very condusive situation

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